Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chapter Seven

Staging an Art Exhibition

• Planning and creating your own exhibition is a brilliant way to introduce yourself to the public as an artist.

• Decide whether to make it a solo show or a group event.

• Group Show Tasks

1. Show Coordinator
2. Installation Chairperson
3. Written Materials Coordinator
4. Reception Coordinator
5. Announcement Designer
6. Press Release Committee

• From the experience of planning your own show you will gain skills in all aspects that go into the putting on and publicizing a show.

• Find a space to present your show; don’t limit your self to coffee shops or other venues that already have exhibition programs. Search you community for places with large vacant walls, the uniqueness of a location could add intrigue to your exhibition.

• Be gracious and amicable in dealing with those you choice to convince to use the wall space. Be sure to bring visuals of your work for their viewing. Let them know much you would like to display your art in their space.

• Try to ensure your exhibit hangs for six weeks to allow plenty of time for the publicity to take effect.

• Have your reception at the beginning of the show, allowing for people to return and view again.

• The more specific and interesting the title of the show the more people that is likely to come to it.

• A group title could be trickier to develop. Working with artist with similar styles could make it easier.

• And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more. Erica Jong

• Assign tasks:

1. Create a buzz for the show
2. Create a press packet
3. Write a press release and plan how to send it out
4. Design announcements
5. Work with a printer/cost of printing
6. Mail/email announcements
7. Frame your art
8. Plan hanging your show
9. Plan the reception
10. Plan your actions at your opening
11. During the show
12. When it is all over

• Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein
• The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. Linus Pauling

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