Monday, January 17, 2011

Chapter 2 Reading.

Chapter 2 Reading.

This chapter helped a lot in knowing what to send to a gallery and museums, and how to send it.

Ø Knowing that you can put images on a DVD and that choosing the best work is a must.

If you send in work that is really good and then add some that aren't as good they might not think that you are a serious artists.

Ø How to write a Bio.

He mentioned that there were a few different ways to present a bio, one the conventional way, and the other making a chart and going back year to year and month to month, writing where you were and what you did, where you studied, travel and hobbies, and what artwork you are working on.

Ø How to write a cover letter.

Ø Reasons for sending a SASE.

To ensure that your artist packet will come back to you.

To know which gallery you sent it to and that they returned it.

Ø A checklist for a Artists Packet.

Cover letter, CD or slides, Bio, accomplishments, reviews, a 9 1/2 by 12 1/2 envelope, a 13 by 10 envelope, a piece of cardboard to stop the bending, postage, statement.

Ø How to take images of flat artwork, even though it does not mean much to me, it may be helpful in the future.

Ø The importance that the packet be appropriate.

If you are sending photos to a gallery that does sculpture they might find it inappropriate.

I found this chapter to be very wordy and that the author rambled on about many things, and also repeated himself numerous times.