Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chapter Two Reading

This was a long, but very informational chapter.

  • When sending something to a gallery, make sure everything looks perfect.
  • With a Bio, make it short, sweet, and to the point.
  • There are hundreds of artist that want to get their name out there too. Do something that will make you stand out.
  • Keep a visual diary in the studio with you. That way if you have any thought in your brain that's a good can write it down.
  • Whenever you send someone your work, make sure you include a SASE. That way the gallery can respond. They don't want to pay for a response....they get packages everyday!
  • CD's is one way to send in your work that you've been working so hard on. But don't send in a CD that you wrote on. It doesn't look nice. You can make a label for it and it will look more professional.
  • If you do send in a CD, make sure your Bio, reviews of your work, statement, and where you can be contacted along with your work.
  • The Artist's Packet checklist was very helpful because it broke everything down to what you need. This was a very long chapter but it did have some stuff that was good to know if I ever want to try to get my name out there. The more you know the better you can be.

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