First of all I will start with the introduction. I really liked how honest the author was by telling us their experiences as an artist and they really do give good advice. I like how the author is honest by telling us in the beginning to stop wasting our time trying to be and artist unless it really is what you want to do. He says "ask yourself this am I thinking of art or am I thinking about the Super Bowl, world peace or maybe the laundry? If you find you are rarely thinking of art than it probably wasnt your idea in the first place". This helps me know that art really is what i want to do. i say that because I do think about art all the time. And just like the author when I'm not making art I feel like I am wasting my time or I should be making art rather than what I am doing. I also like that he added just because you can do something such as hop on one foot doesn't mean you should.
The first chapter brings on even more good insights on what it is like to be an artist. It helped me realize that just because art is the way it is now doesn't mean it will be like this forever. I wish more people did appreciate art, and maybe like a rollercoaster itwill bounce back. I also realized more that i Really dont care about the money or success. I want to make art for the sake of making art. The author also helps us as readers realize how hard it is to be an artist and how much work it is to be successful at it.
Good to know these things abou yourself now. Art sort of chooses us, not the other way around.