- When you send it work, be professional about it.
- Know what the gallery you're sending your stuff to shows.
- Cover letter should be short and to the point.
- In your bio, put the most important info first.
- Getting your art out there is a process you need to be willing to put the time, the effort and even the money into it.
- Find out what is unique and interesting about you..if you need to, make a list.
- Find a body of work. ex. If you take pictures of road signs when you see interesting ones.
- An artist statement is to make the viewer want to know more about your work
- Always keep information specific.
- Give your statement to another artist to read after you are finished writing it.
- Use stationary to write down everything included in the package.
- SASE- Self addressed stamped envelope..send one in every packet you send.
- Make sure and send visual images.
Basically when sending in art work send it perfectly so you're not wasting the time of others. If you want your work out there for people to see you have to prepare and do things better than the other. This chapter was very long, but had great info to go back and look at when I'm ready to send stuff into a gallery.
Gread summary - thanks.