Chapter two of ‘Taking The LEAP Building a Career as a Visual Artist’ by Cay Lang was relatively long, yet a very interesting read, loaded with excellent advice and technical information. The author goes into detailed explanations on how to creating every aspect of an artist packet. The packet being the artist’s resource of presenting themselves and their work to galleries. The importance is explained of representing oneself in a professional manner with concise information and work displayed in a manner that is easy to access and aesthetically pleasing to those receiving and viewing it. It is pointed out that it is necessary to stand out from the hundreds of other submissions received by galleries.
The Artist Packet Contents
· CD, sheet of photographs or slides of the artist work
· List of past exhibitions/artist bio
· Written statement about work
· Cover letter
· Reprints or reviews or articles about the art
· Exhibition announcements with color images of you art
· SASE self-addressed stamped envelope
Yes - long - but it does summarize most of what we will be doing for the rest of the semester. The other readings are a bit more digestible, though.