Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chapter 2 reading

This chapter basically talks about how to put your Artist packet together. It goes into depth about what it includes, you bio, artist statement, your cover letter, and your SASE. It's basically telling you step by step what to do, how to get it ready and what to include so that it turns out perfectly so that you don't get it sent back because they don't like it and so that you are not wasting their time. It also gives you some other helpful tips on the side to make it better than whats needed. It also gives you tips on the way, and tells you what not to do, along with giving examples of your bio, cover letter, artist statement and other things that you might what to include to make it look better. In the end of this chapter it talks about what good photographs should contain and how to get them. It talks about your camera and what settings you should have it at what you should use in the studio, what you should have with you camera to help you, and what type of bulbs you should be using with your lights and how to use everything. This chapter was very helpful in making sure that you know how to put your packet together and what you should include in it, along with how to get and make good photos and what they should include so that you can put them in you packet to insure that they will like it and not just return it.

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