Basically this chapter was very helpful in creating and sending an Artist’s Packet to galleries. It goes more in depth on how to create a cover letter, bio, and artist’s statement. It also explains how you should present all your information and send it in to a gallery. When sending in your artwork, it’s imperative that you do research about what the gallery is displaying first before submitting your work. Knowing what they are showing will further help you in being accepted. That way you are not wasting your time or the time of the people who have to look through your work and send it back if need be. Organization is key. If all your information and samples are sloppy and disorganized, they will not give you consideration for their gallery. Doing this also makes you stand out from the other applicants. You'll have a better chance at being chosen if all of your submission is orderly and neat. Also remember not to forget about a Self Addressed, Stamped envelope so they can send your work back if need be. Also be sure to send in very good quality work. You want to show them your best work, not some sub-par stuff or they also won’t accept it. If you take pride in your work others will see you’re committed. The article also talks about how to photograph artwork.
Overall the reading was pretty wordy and lengthy but had some very useful information.
Here’s a useful link I found about how to photograph artwork properly.
Thanks - nice summary.