Friday, February 11, 2011

Ch. 4 Blog Post

Chapter Four is all about setting up a strategy. It kind of seems like the readings are repeating themselves a little bit. It continues to talk about how to get into the art world. One such way is to enter contests and competitions with your artwork. These competitions are called juried shows. These can be costly, however, as there is entrance fees, framing, and shipping costs to worry about. If you do decide to enter one of the shows, you should see who is judging them because if they are people you respect, or curators, then the show is a great way to bring your art to their attention.
This chapter pretty much says that wherever you can get your art shown, you should do it. Even if it's in a tiny coffee shop. Throw a bunch of submissions out to many different galleries (do your research on them first) and see what sticks.

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