Monday, February 7, 2011

chapter four

When getting a rejection letter there really is 3 different types, and I would of thought of them all in the same category, so it was good to see them broken down so that I would be able to know how to handle them if I were to receive them, like the big rejection-they just plain don’t like your work, the so so rejection- they like it but don’t think you are quite there yet, the we just don’t have space rejection-so you should send them more work later and keep communication lines open.

Moving… this part had me a little confused but then I got where it was going, be close to the action. If you want to show in a higher end city, just go there. Sometimes they don’t see you as credible if you are from out of town. But if you show in Europe they like out of town people it seems more exotic to them and they have a better communication like with unknown artists then places like New York and L.A.

Sending your work to jurors? Would seem like a good idea, but if they are not credible they could end up just taking ones work and selling it as their own. So research is a big thing, really it’s a big thing in anything that you are sending in, say to galleries, jurors, or anything else. And starting in a cafĂ© might not be such a bad idea.

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