I really feel like this chapter is repeating itself on how to get out in the art world and how to be creative with finding your footing in the art world. It does advise to be very careful about entering juried art shows however, because they can often be scams. They charge an entrance fee to all the artists who submit work and then only select a few artists to show. He suggests showing your work in local spaces, and cafes and other non-art spaces; which we've already mentioned and talked about in class. He advises that moving to New York could be worth it, but you have to realize that many people are there to become artists, and the cost of living there is steep.
The rest of the chapter talks about how to target getting your work out there, from doing research or sending out packets. I once again feel like this is very repetitive, I almost felt like the chapter wasnt worth reading.
You're right - I think there is a lot of repetition in the book - but I think a lot of what she is saying is worth hearing a few times. Nice post.