In this chapter, the author talks about setting goals to acheive your dreams. Sounds easy, huh?
I've always looked at setting goals as a necessary thing, without them nothing would get done. So I often times blindly set a goal that was too big, time consuming, and unrealistic for me to achieve. To no suprise I achieved very few of those goals set. I've never looked at setting goals as he describes it in this chapter. You need to have big goals and dreams, but to complete them you need to set small goals along the way. He uses the example of losing weight, you can't set an unrealistic goal of going to the gym everyday for two hours for three years, because its very unlikely you'll be able to complete this goal. This applies to the art world as well. You want to become an artist known all around the world? Well thats great, but how are you going to do achieve this goal? Obviously you need to make the art first, so you need to commit time to the studio. Maybe your first goal is spending three hours a week on your art. By doing this you can create a work of art over a few years, and then start looking for the right market for your art. As long as you create art that is meaningful to you, it will speak to someone else. Eventually by setting small goals, you'll be able to achieve the big ones.
You got it - we have to start realistically and putter away. Pretty soon you turn around and realize you have a pile of work on your table and some of it is pretty good. Consistency is more important than volume.